The Brave Spartan Warrior LEGO Mini Figure

Everybody on earth must heard about LEGO the famous brick toys producer. This time LEGO released the collectable Mini figures Series 2. Each of the figure in this series has one inch height and they are released in the year 2010.

One of The coolest figure in this series is the Spartan Warrior, this brave warrior comes with it’s own accessories such as the shiny silver spear, a shield and shiny gold helmet. The design of this urban toys has a touch of cubism shape, specially in the leg parts.

Most of the body part has a yellow color and a chest plate armor graphic on it while the Cape, the pant and the tip of the helmet are painted in red. Spartan Warrior mini figure by LEGO has an angry face but still maintain the cute element just like in some of LEGO minifigures. The face has a moustache and the mouth is showing a white teeth.

If you are a LEGO collector this figure is a must have item, just like any other figure in the series. The figure usually comes in a blind packaging and each of the poly bag package contain one random figure. Don’t worry if you know what the figure looks like you can feel the package and guess what inside the package.


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