SCRAM the Trouble Boy No. 45

Brandt Peters is one of my favorite toy designer and this time he work together with Ferg to design Trouble Boy No. 45 [SCRAM]. This urban toys is released in 2011 by Playge and has 6 or 7 inch height. Even though Trouble boy is a new released vinyl toy, but it is quite hard to obtain this great figures because it’s already sold out in some online store

This highly detailed designer toy has several accessories such as 3 piece suit and tie, two set of arm, gun, fedora hat, helmet and extra amber eye lenses.

The skull head has a  realistic color and detailed sculpting and reminds me of other figures made by Brandt Peters. The glossy eye lenses add a touch of pop culture to this urban vinyl. The clothing  is superb, it has a similar color tone to the head and the .45 pistol add more trouble to this boy.


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