Itchy the Mean Rat

Who doesn’t know about itchy, the mean rat that always fight Scratchy in The Simpsons series. This character that always pop up in TV show inside The Simpsons is created by Matt Groening. This time Matt Groening also working together with Kidrobot to released this naughty urban toy as the first Kidrobot Simpsons series.

This mini figure comes in a blind box and it’s hard to tell what inside the package. Most of mini figure in this series has three inch height and made from vinyl. They released this designer toy in 2008, the shape and design is very similar to Itchy in The Simpsons TV series.

Most of the body is covered in blue paint, Itchy is wearing a red vest and holding it’s own accessories. This urban vinyl also has big blue ears, two big eyes and two pieces of big front teeth. This adorable trading figure is quite rare and hard to get, but some store still have this valuable toy.


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