Skumbo The Chubby Elephant

Kidrobot released another adorable and cute urban toy and this time Tristan Eaton became the artist behind Skumbo. This designer toy is made from vinyl and released back in 2005.

Skumbo is standing 7 inch tall and his hand is holding a purple mallet. They used six different color to decorate this figure. Most of the body is painted in blue and most of the head is painted in brown. The shape has a resemblance to elephant shape but it has two horns and of course two tusks.

The eyes are painted in white while the tusks and horns is painted in yellow. The mallet has a yellow star graphic while inside the ears decorated with unique graphic. If you like urban vinyl released by Kidrobot, this chubby Skumbo will be a great addition to your urban toys collection.


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