Houston The Introvert Robot Boy

Kidrobot has released another great urban toys in 2006, Houston is an action figure designed by JK5. Houston is released as the Flowbots mini series and it has 3 inch height. Kidrobot and JK5 used vinyl as the material of Houston.

Houston has an appearance like an introvert kid, he wear glasses while his forehead and heart is pierced by an arrow. The surface of this mini figure is painted mostly in white paint and it had a weird sharp pink hands.

For three inch designer toy Houston has a detailed shape and the paint is clean and simple, that’s what makes this urban vinyl so irresistible. The detail on the hair, eyeglass and shoes is so great, specially the piercing arrow.

The green and pink paint is so contrast to the white paint and that makes this introverted bots so adorable. If you are lucky enough you could still own this cool toy by browsing some store and online store.


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