Wiggles The Green Snake

Kevin Lyons is the artist behind Wiggles an urban toys that has a shape like a green snake. Wiggles is created using vinyl and resin and this toy is produced by Sony Time Capsule. They released this mini figure in 2003.

Wiggles is using VanimalZoo platform and released as the Mighty Uprock Animals series. This collector toys has three inch height and the shape is inspired by a snake form.  Wiggles is mostly panted in green with a darker spots spreading all over the body.

This urban vinyl has a cute appearance, two round eyes and two white fangs, Wiggles also has a boom box. The only things I don’t like from this collector toy is the visible joint between the neck and body just like in the picture. Wiggles is a valuable toy to collect if you like adorable toy with animal form.


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