The Destroyer Nomi CIBoys

Recently we have reviewed about CIBoys Destroyer Poka and this time we want to review another Ciboys Destroyer. CIBoys Destroyer Nomi is also produced by Red Magic and they released this urban toy in 2008.

CIBoys Destroyer Nomi has 4.5 inch height and mostly using a gray color as the main template. Nomi basic shape is similar to Poka but it has a rocket launchers instead of spray paints. Destroyer Nomi graphic also different from Poka.  The body of the mechanical robot has a great graphic detail.

They Paint the body just like a camouflage shark using a black, white and red paints. The other different part is the mini figure inside the clear hatch. It looks like a cute little cyborg controlling the large mechanical device.

CIBoys Destroyer Nomi has an edgy and bold looks, Red Magic is successfully created a futuristic urban vinyl. We are pretty sure a lot of urban toys collectors will like this cool figure.


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