Leche The Angry Cow

Leche is an urban toys designed by Simone Legno and produced by Strangeco. Simone Legno is also famous for the Tokidoki series. They released Leche in 2007 as a part of the Moofia series and they used abs as the material of this cute toy.

Leche is a mini figure that has 3 inch height and a cute appearance. Just imagine a Milk Carton that has a cow graphic print and two horns. Leche has an angry face just look that angry eyes, I think he is ready to strike anybody who wears red clothing.

I don’t know why most of the Moofia series are making me think of the milk carton character on the Blur Coffee and TV music video. The box shape body, the white ears and the black feet makes an adorable figure and I also adore the detail of the yellow horns.


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