The Destroyer Poka CIBoys

Red Magic is releasing another great and unique urban toys as CIBoys Destroyer series. The CIBoys Destroyer Poka is a 4.5 inch mini figure released in the year 2008. They also used the famous CIBoys platform as the basic reference of this wonderful collector figure.

CIBoys Destroyer Poka look like a giant mechanical robot with a cute little figure riding on it. Red, black, gray, white and blue paint are used to create this cool urban vinyl. The design of this collector toy is simple but it has a great detail.

I like the little pilot, the clear hatch and the detail on the robot legs. The red spray paint on the left and right look like a jet pack. Red Magic successfully created a cool and unique urban toys and the other figure in the CIBoys Destroyer series are also a great vinyl toys.


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