Wiggles The Green Snake

Kevin Lyons is the artist behind Wiggles an urban toys that has a shape like a green snake. Wiggles is created using vinyl and resin and this toy is produced by Sony Time Capsule. They released this mini figure in 2003.

Wiggles is using VanimalZoo platform and released as the Mighty Uprock Animals series. This collector toys has three inch height and the shape is inspired by a snake form.  Wiggles is mostly panted in green with a darker spots spreading all over the body.

This urban vinyl has a cute appearance, two round eyes and two white fangs, Wiggles also has a boom box. The only things I don’t like from this collector toy is the visible joint between the neck and body just like in the picture. Wiggles is a valuable toy to collect if you like adorable toy with animal form.


Houston The Introvert Robot Boy

Kidrobot has released another great urban toys in 2006, Houston is an action figure designed by JK5. Houston is released as the Flowbots mini series and it has 3 inch height. Kidrobot and JK5 used vinyl as the material of Houston.

Houston has an appearance like an introvert kid, he wear glasses while his forehead and heart is pierced by an arrow. The surface of this mini figure is painted mostly in white paint and it had a weird sharp pink hands.

For three inch designer toy Houston has a detailed shape and the paint is clean and simple, that’s what makes this urban vinyl so irresistible. The detail on the hair, eyeglass and shoes is so great, specially the piercing arrow.

The green and pink paint is so contrast to the white paint and that makes this introverted bots so adorable. If you are lucky enough you could still own this cool toy by browsing some store and online store.


Leroy C The Red Monster

Invisible Creature is the artist behind the creation of Leroy C and this urban toy is released in 2011. This red monster is manufactured by Super7 and has 4 inch height. Leroy C is a designer toy created using vinyl as the material and this collectible figure is released as the Monster Family series.

Leroy C has a shiny appearance and most of the surface is painted in glossy red, they also used shiny silver as the arms and legs paint while a white paint is used as an accent on the teeth of this adorable red monster.

Overall Leroy C is a cute sleepy monster and this urban vinyl is a valuable item for toy collector. This designer figure is a new released toy so if you act fast you still able to obtain this shiny monster.


Scratchy the Dumb Cat

It’s not complete to review Itchy without Scratchy, so today we present you with this dumb looking urban toys produced by Kidrobot. Scratchy is also created by Matt Groening for The Simpson TV series and this time Matt and Kidrobot released this mini figure for the first Kidrobot Simpsons series.

Kidrobot Scratchy is also released in 2008 and made from vinyl. This urban vinyl also comes in a blind box and it has 3 inch height. Scratchy is hard to find because it’s low rate ratio.

Most of Scratchy body is covered in gray paints and he is holding a big brown mallet on his hand. It has a pink nose, two big yellow eyes, two little fangs and a tongue sticking out of it’s mouth. Hurry and hunt for this cat to complete your Kidrobot Simpsons series.


Itchy the Mean Rat

Who doesn’t know about itchy, the mean rat that always fight Scratchy in The Simpsons series. This character that always pop up in TV show inside The Simpsons is created by Matt Groening. This time Matt Groening also working together with Kidrobot to released this naughty urban toy as the first Kidrobot Simpsons series.

This mini figure comes in a blind box and it’s hard to tell what inside the package. Most of mini figure in this series has three inch height and made from vinyl. They released this designer toy in 2008, the shape and design is very similar to Itchy in The Simpsons TV series.

Most of the body is covered in blue paint, Itchy is wearing a red vest and holding it’s own accessories. This urban vinyl also has big blue ears, two big eyes and two pieces of big front teeth. This adorable trading figure is quite rare and hard to get, but some store still have this valuable toy.

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